Il "Gallo Nero" del Chianti torna a cantare

The Project

The Authors

The Breeds

The Project Point


The Project 


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Giuseppe, Valdarno breed

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Mario, the project Manager

Gallo Nero’s (Black rooster chicken) project was born as a result of the collaboration between the Agricultural  Technical Institute and the Chianti Consortium.
It has , as its objective , the valorisation of the two Chianti historical  breeds : Valdarno and Livorno Nera.
The main object is the valorisation of the two Chianti historical breeds: Valdarno and Livoro nera.

The didactic object is to allow the students to manage a live stock farm in all its aspects (owning to the short term product cycle of chickens), Planning the various stages.

The Gallo Nero Consortium has contributed with a three-year finance and the Agriculture Institute.

Has provided the structures and the necessary technical competence.

The manager of the project is Prof. Mario Giannone, the zoo technical teacher who is working since many years in recuperating the nearly extinct specimens and in the Zoo technical and Biological section.

The 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Students who are specialising in Zoo Technology are taking part in this project. Out side of school hours under the supervision of Prof. Giannone, they keep clean, feed and take care of the chickens, which are present in the Institute.

The first samples were given to the Institute by the breeder F. Focarli (artificer of the recuperation of the Valdaro Breed)

Simone , the project Director

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2003 -  Photo group with F.Focardi

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The Gallo Nero's Team