Il "Gallo Nero" del Chianti torna a cantare

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Aviculture show

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Some students of the 5D (2003-2004)

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The Judges (Gregorio and Marco)

The 7th Social Aviculture ATA Show

Lara Fanti

The Tuscany Aviculture Association with the collaboration of the Florence Agriculture students, Prof. Giannine and Prof. Salvaterra organized on the 6-7-8 of February 2004 the 7th Social Aviculture Show.

The show was held in the “Volte Medicee” a brick building dating from the late 16th century.

The area was rearranged for the occasion and decorated with plaints and flowers. It made a special background for more then 120 chicken specimens on display. Many were the breeds on display among which the Black Livornese the White Sicilian and Gold neck.

February the 6th was reserved for the Judges’ point assignment and the classification for the individual competition.

Some of the students were allowed to assist in the judgment.

The following 2 days the show was opened to the public (from 9.30-18.00 with free entrance).

The end of the year school fair at Florence Agricultural technical Institute

By Lara Fanti

Saturday June the 5th at 16.00 was held the school years closing fair. There were many initiatives: The visits to the Scientific Museum, that held a show about plaint colouring, entomological greenhouse, a       photographic show on olives from the Holy land and the immigration show.

Once more the  “Gallo Nero” could not be left out. The students and teachers worked at the henhouse and chick house giving information to the visitors.

The Holy Mass, co-celebrated by the Florence Cardinal Ennio Antonelli, Father Luciano Colella and Deacon Lorenzo Paolino, closed the fair.

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The Information point at the henhouse

Holy Mass with Antonelli Cardinal